Sunday, May 1, 2011

Catching Up - One Month Already!

Sorry for the delay folks.  Ellsley had a bit of a rough week going through a growth spurt, but we are back in action!  A quick summary:

Ellsley hit her one month mark!  Here's a "look-how-big-I-am" shot from the 26th.

She went to the doctor this week and was 8lbs 6oz.  Dr. DiMaria was very happy with her growth so we are too!

In the midst of a rough week of fighting naps, Hill discovered that Ellsley will basically ALWAYS fall asleep in her stroller.  Here she is getting in some stroller action shots.

Let's do this!

It was a little chilly this weekend so we got bundled up for our walks.

We are working lots on smiles.  Here are a few:

(PS, how cute is the onesie that mom made for me?)

Ellsley got to spend some quality time with her Grandma, Aunt Emily and cousin Hunter this weekend too!

Hunter was super helpful!

Although he is a bit of a ham.

That's about it folks!  See you next time!